On 19th,November.The pipe cutting machine of MC425CNC model is on ready,there are still 5 days remaining from our promise to the customer's delivery date,the packing size is 2200×1400×2200mm,weight is 1600KG...customer choose LCL shipping way to his destination port----HOCHIMINH,client's pipe size is 16mm outside diameter and 1.2mm wall thickness,so we design the clamping part for cutting serval pipes at one time,it will extremely improve the efficiency of productivity.
Now the technique of manufacturing our cnc automatic pipe cutter is very mature,its usage life is long,Low failure rate...now the auto metal tube cutting machine is widely used in cutting processing industry.Most clients prefer to choose this high performance/productivity saw blade hydraulic cnc pipe cuttting machine for their cutting job.
Weclome clients who have the requirement or inquiry about this machine to contact us.