How to know your tubes needs push bending

How to know your tubes needs push bending

Nowadays the function of CNC pipe bender is more and more powerful, and it plays more and more important role in different industries. For example, in the furniture industry, metal structures often require CNC pipe benders.
For customers, when choosing to buy a pipe bender, there may be a question: do I need a simple machine or a complex machine? Why do some salesmen recommend me a machine with push bending function?
How to know your products need push bending function?

If you want multiple bends of larger radius (more than 6 x OD).then that is not a problem on a push bender (although quite tricky on a simple roll bender).

Figure 1   Bending tubes basic information

Sometimes you will need a big curve. Typical examples occur in furniture applications. In this case you will need a tube manipulation company who has a CNC bending machine with combined bend and push bending capabilities. 

Figure 2   Products with big curve

If you want more than one bend radius combined with push bending radius on the same component then check that the manufacturer has a multi-stack bend and roll bending functions machine!Excellent suppliers can provide you with the most suitable solution if you can provide pipe size, product photos or drawings.

Figure 3   Two stack for bending and push bending


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